Lavender is one of the most common and versatile essential oils. It's calming and relaxing for your mind and body. Your skin and hair love it. It's gentle when used topically yet very effective, making it a great essential oil for beginners.
Nicknames:- The Swiss Army Knife of Essential Oils
- The Loving Grandmother of Essential Oils
Latin Names: |
Extraction Method:- Steam distilled from the flowering top of the plant
- It takes about 27 sq. ft. of lavender plants to produce a 15mL bottle of pure Lavender Essential Oil.
Smells Like: |
Calming & Relaxing:- Promotes restful sleep
- Tranquil aroma
- Calming for the mind & body
Balancing:- May reduce the appearance of blemishes
- Supports aging skin
Soothing:- Soothing to minor skin irritations
Cleansing:- Lavender is derived from the Latin word “lavare,” which means “to wash”
Topically:- Use 1-5 drops per application
- Dilute with a carrier oil as necessary for sensitive skin or babies & children
- Apply to your skin to soothe and calm
- Apply to your skin after sun exposure
- Add to your facial serum or moisturizer
- Apply to your chest and/or feet before bedtime
- Add to Epsom salts for a detox bath (see recipes here)
- Roller blends with Lavender Essential Oil

Aromatically:- Open the bottle and inhale
- Diffuse for a calming aroma
- Diffuser recipes with Lavender (Use 8-12 drops of essential oils total):
- At Ease:
- Sweet Dreams:
- Mindfulness:
- Spring Rain:
- Seasons Change:
- Deep Breath:
Dietary / Internal Use: |
Lavender is a crowd favorite. See what others have to say:
"I love to diffuse it when we home school & it just brings the whole house into a calming frame of mind." "Lavender is my 3 year old's favorite oil. When she gets an "owie" she always asks for it & a kiss. I love that it's that easy." "I applied lavender on my sweet baby girl this morning as part of her wellness roller." "I keep a bottle on my kitchen counter next to my stove because I have a daughter who loves to help me cook and sometimes we need some soothing for her little fingers." |
- When I started ditching, switching, & upgrading my personal care products, deodorant was the hardest to find a natural alternative for. The crystal stick didn't work. The natural options from the store smelled funky on their own -- how would they ever keep me from getting funky, too??!! Then I tried this deodorant recipe. And it worked! Get the DIY deodorant recipe here.
- Oil and water don't mix. So putting oil on your face and rinsing it off with water will leave you with an oil spill of a mess, right? And if you already have oily skin, adding more oil is the worst thing to do, right? Wrong! Actually, the exact opposite happens! Learn how to oil cleanse with Lavender Essential Oil here.
- I'm always amazed that in a world filled with countless skincare products, it's natural alternatives that offer the most benefits. One of my favorites is tallow lotion. Tallow is a nutrient-rich skin remedy that's been used for centuries. This natural wonder goes beyond just moisturizing, offering a range of surprising benefits that can improve your skin, reduce inflammation, and heal. Add Lavender Essential Oil to it for extra healing properties. Get the recipe here.
- I have been using this all natural & very inexpensive facial toner for over a decade. This was the first DIY beauty product I made and I've been hooked ever since. This toner is super simple, inexpensive, and effective! Get the recipe here.
- These homemade pore strips work great, moisturize your skin, have just 2 natural ingredients, and are very budget friendly! Winning all around! Get the recipe here.
- Picture this: you’ve spent a glorious day soaking up the sun, feeling like a sun-kissed Greek goddess. After the sun sets, you head indoors and realize you're less like a goddess and more like a crispy, red lobster. Fear not, my sunburned warrior! I've got some natural, DIY sunburn relief remedies that will have you feeling as cool as a cucumber (literally!).
- Get the natural after sun care tips here
- I use this anytime anyone in my house even thinks about sniffling, coughing, or sneezing. It's great for preventative care (like when something is going around your child's school) & boosts immunity. Get the recipe for GOOT here.
- I love that when I make homemade wellness products, I know exactly what ingredients are in them and I know they are 100% safe for my family. Popular store bought chest and vapor rubs have harsh chemicals, synthetic additives, artificial fragrance, and petroleum -- not ideal ingredients to support my health. In this homemade natural vapor rub recipe, the only ingredients are coconut oil, pure essential oils, and beeswax. Real, natural, effective, easy, and awesome!
With a few ingredients, you can upgrade your bath to the best immune boosting, muscle calming, deep breathing, glowing skin, and detoxing part of your day. Get detox bath recipes here.
Making essential oil capsules is super easy, provides targeted support, and allows you to control the dosage amount of the essential oils you use.
I make capsules multiple times a week for my family and they were a pivotal part of my recovery from 3 years of spine surgeries.
Learn how to make DIY capsules with essential oils
So do essential oils really work??
- YES! They are my number one thing in my holistic toolbox that I use to keep my family healthy, well rested, calm, and focused.
Is there really a difference in essential oil brands??
- YES! Young Living doesn't use fillers, synthetic ingredients, pesticides, preservatives, or artificial fragrances. They are 100% real, 100% natural, and 100% awesome!
Printable Quick Start Guide to Lavender Essential Oil
Grab my Quick Start Guide to Lavender Essential Oil here! This fool-proof guide will take the confusion out of essential oils so you can start dropping, rolling, and diffusing today!
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