Stretch Mark Belly Butter with Bonus Tips!
Ahhhh the many joys of pregnancy! Stretch marks is just one of them. While there are genetic factors, there are ways to help prevent & avoid stretch marks. 

The secret is in skin elasticity.

The more elastic your skin is, the less likely it is that you will have stretch marks. 

I used this belly butter while I was pregnant and while my body was bouncing back to pre-pregnancy shape and had amazing results!

Be sure to scroll to the bottom to get some bonus tips!

Ingredients In Your Belly Butter

The following ingredients are moisturizing, hydrating, & healing for your skin and promote elasticity. You can swap out any of these in your belly butter recipe. 

Essential oils can be soothing, moisturizing, and great for skin. These are my favorite to use in my belly butter:

Belly Butter Recipe



Bonus Tips!

Drink Lots of Water

  • One way to improve your skin elasticity is to moisturize from within by drinking lots of water. 
  • I use a Berkey Filter. Use code tcmberkey.
  • It's recommended to drink between 64 t0 96 oz of water daily while pregnant. 

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  • Benefits of collagen:
    • Important for joint health (I believe collagen  was a key factor in healing from previous back surgeries & back pain - read about that here)
    • May prevent wrinkles
    • Has protein
    • Important for digestive health
    • Great for your skin
  • Collagen comes from animal bones, skin, and tissues. The animal parts are boiled to extract collagen. 
  • It's important to get a good collagen from sustainable sources. 
  • I use this collagen. I add it to my smoothies, coffee, & tea, sprinkle into soup, sandwiches, &'s easy to add collagen into your diet.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids


  • Sulfur is the 3rd most abundant mineral in the body. Sulfur is a vital component of hair, nails, joints, tissues, and cartilage. Having sufficient sulfur promotes skin elasticity.
  • Sources of sulfur:
    • Kale, cabbage, brussel sprouts, garlic, onions, broccoli
    • Meat
    • Eggs
  • Sulfur supplement (I like this one and it's my favorite hair, skin, & nails supplement that I take daily, pregnant or not)

Dry Body Brushing

how to dry body brush for cellulite and exfoliate dry skin

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If you love this recipe & want more like it, click here to get a free copy of my eBook The Beauty Remix! Loaded with DIY recipes you'll love! 

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