As 2024 comes to a close, let's take a moment to reflect on the stories that resonated most with our community. This year brought a wealth of creativity, inspiration, and practical tips that made sustainable living and DIY beauty feel achievable and fun! The most viewed posts of the year highlight not only what sparked your interest but also the shared journey toward a healthier, more health-conscious lifestyle. Let’s dive into the moments that defined our year together!

Making essential oil capsules is super easy, provides targeted support, and allows you to control the dosage amount of the essential oils you use. I make capsules multiple times a week for my family and they were a pivotal part of my recovery from 3 years of spine surgeries.

Trying to lose those last handful of pounds? Prepping for an event that's coming up soon...like next week?? Do you feel bloated and sluggish??
Well, friend, the problem might be as simple as a little extra water weight. And simple problems often have simple solutions!

Get 11 home remedies to relieve constipation naturally and quickly. Here are the best healthy tips to add to your daily routine to end constipation and get instant constipation relief.
Castor oil in your belly button is a natural remedy that may support healthy digestion, reduce inflammation, improve sleep, and gently detox. Get the benefits of navel pulling with castor oil. How much castor oil and how often to put castor oil in my belly button.
2023 is wrapping up and good golly it went quickly! Looking back on 2023, it was a big year for The Crunchy Moose. I published my first blog post over a decade ago (read about how I got started here). And this year I made a bold move. I took it all down, rebranded, and relaunched the site! Complete with the 2nd edition of The No Poo Method eBook! I'm thankful that you are here in the community and following along on the journey!

Oil pulling is one of my favorite healthy habits. It's easy, detoxing, supports oral health, clears up my complexion, and freshens my breath! All without breaking a sweat!
And my favorite oil pulling hack is making oil pulling chews. When I have these handy oil pulling tablets premade in my fridge, I'm much more likely to be consistent with this morning routine.

Want to freshen your breath, whiten your teeth, support healthy gums, and soothe tooth discomfort without using synthetic chemicals & ingredients? Guess what, there's an oil for that! Actually, there are a handful of essential oils for that! Learn what essential oils to use for healthy teeth, gums, and oral health.

I'm always amazed that in a world filled with countless skincare products, it's natural alternatives that offer the most benefits. One of my favorites is tallow lotion. Tallow is a nutrient-rich skin remedy that's been used for centuries. This natural wonder goes beyond just moisturizing, offering a range of surprising benefits that can improve your skin, reduce inflammation, and heal.
Learn how to ditch commercial shampoo & use a natural hair care routine with the no poo method. I have gone 3 years without shampoo. "No Poo" simply means washing your hair without shampoo. Yes, I still wash my hair & no, my hair doesn't stink.

Are you tired of the never-ending cycle of washing, drying, and styling your hair every day? Imagine having more time, healthier locks, and natural, lustrous shine—all by simply extending the time between hair washes. Keep reading to learn how I have trained my hair to go 2-3 weeks between washes!

We've all been there, that morning-after feeling when you wake up with a pounding headache, queasy stomach, and an overall sense of regret. And there's a good chance that's you right now because you just googled "how to get rid of my hangover quickly" and you landed on this page. Get some lesser known natural hangover home remedies that work.

"Makeup can only make you look pretty on the outside but it doesn't help if you're ugly on the inside... unless you eat the makeup!" -- Audrey Hepburn
In The Beauty Remix, you'll learn how to use nourishing, moisturizing, natural ingredients to make beauty & personal care products. Many of the ingredients you'll use can be found in your kitchen!
So yes, Audrey, we can eat our makeup!
Wanna make soap but it sounds complicated? Melt & pour soap without lye is for you. Learn how to make melt and pour soap with recipes like morning start, mint chocolate, & sweet dreams. This is the easiest way to make homemade soap without lye or curing.
Exfoliating is one of the easiest ways to give your skin a quick glow-up. Body scrubs are an easy way to exfoliate. Mix & match these ingredients to make a custom salt or sugar body scrub.Favorite combos include oatmeal & brown sugar scrub, pink lemonade scrub, & activated charcoal sugar scrub.
Learn how to do the no poo method natural hair care routine. I haven't used shampoo in two years. "No Poo" simply means washing your hair without shampoo. Yes, I still wash my hair and no, my hair doesn't stink.
Ear candles are made out of linen or cotton, dipped in wax & shaped into a hollow cone shape. They have been used for thousands of years for physical support & spiritual & meditation practices. Do ear candles work? If they work, how & why do ear candles work? Are ear candles safe? Do ear candles unclog ears and get rid of ear wax? Can you use ear candles for ear infections, aches, and pressure?
Yes, you can get rid of varicose veins naturally! No lasers needed. There are ways you can support blood flow, circulation, and healthy veins at home to prevent & reduce varicose veins. DIY Homemade Varicose Vein Attacking Body Butter with Essential Oils.
While there are genetic factors, there are natural ways to help prevent & avoid stretch marks. The secret is in skin elasticity. This stretch mark belly butter recipe is effective & easy. And grab some bonus natural tips & supplements to prevent & reduce stretch marks.
This is the best one ingredient natural toner to even skin tone, reduce acne, & balance pH levels. I have been using this all natural, nontoxic, very inexpensive facial toner for over a decade. This was the first DIY beauty product I made and I've been hooked ever since. This toner is super simple, inexpensive, and effective! Learn about using apple cider vinegar in your skincare here.