Winning! My Most Shocking Testimonies
When it comes to DIY and getting crafty, I'll try just about anything! And after over a decade of creating recipes, I've tried a lot of things. I'm very often impressed with how effective they worked as a beauty product or home remedy. But there are some recipes & tips that are stand out super stars!

Here are the DIY recipes, home remedies, & tips that shocked & impressed me most:

#1: Oil Pulling:

  • Oil pulling is basically using coconut oil as mouthwash, swishing for 5-20 minutes, and then spitting out.
  • Within a week of starting this habit:
    • my skin was clearer
    • I was less bloated
    • my teeth were less sensitive
  • Anytime I stop doing this for a bit and start it back up, I wonder why I ever quit! It makes such a difference in my skin, digestion, and teeth! 
  • BONUS: Keep these oil pulling chews in your fridge to make it super easy to be consistent!

Learn more:

oil pulling guideoil pulling chews

#2: Egg Mask to Get Coconut Oil Out of My Hair:

  • Coconut oil is one of my favorite deep conditioners. But it's a pain to get out of my hair. I read that an egg wash gets it out. So I tried it. WOWZER! It worked! 
  • The egg wash cuts through the oil, clarifies my hair, and adds proteins & vitamins. 

Learn more:

how to get coconut oil out of your hairnatural hair care and diy hair recipes with the no poo method

#3: Activated Charcoal for All Things Tummy & Hangovers

  • When I first heard about activated charcoal, I thought, "you're telling me that this capsule full of ground up charcoal and coconut shells fixes all your tummy issues?? No way."
  • I skeptically tried it. And it works!! For all things tummy, including hangovers! 
  • This is a big part of my holistic toolbox. With these supplies on hand, my mommy skills are almost invincible!

Learn More:

natural hangover cureshow to use activated charcoal for digestion and hangovers

#4: Apple Cider Vinegar as Facial Toner:

  • It's cheap. It's easy. And it's effective! 
  • Apple Cider Vinegar reduces acne, reduces pore size, evens skin tone, and balances pH levels.

Learn more:

how to use apple cider vinegar as a facial tonerhealth benefits of apple cider vinegar

#5: Goot

Learn more:

how to make garlic oil ointment treatment goot for home remedienatural and holistic home remedies

#6: Varicose Vein Attacking Body Butter

  • There are ways you can support blood flow, circulation, and healthy veins at home to prevent & reduce varicose veins. And this body butter does that!

Learn more:

varicose vein attacking body butter to get rid of varicose veins naturallyyoung living essential oils discount code and coupon code

#7: DIY Toothpaste

  • I used to have sensitive teeth. I used to use a maximum strength sensitive toothpaste. I used to use a numbing gel I got from my dentist everyday. And I STILL had sensitive teeth & gums. 
  • And then I started making DIY, nontoxic, homemade toothpaste. My sensitive teeth are a thing of the past. 

Learn more:

diy homemade toothpaste recipe for sensitive teeth with coconut oil, baking soda, and essential oils

Honorable Mentions

I hope these recipes & tips impress you like they have me! Have fun getting crafty and DIY-ing!

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