Best of 2023
2023 is wrapping up and good golly it went quickly! Looking back on 2023, it was a big year for The Crunchy Moose. I published my first blog post over a decade ago (read about how I got started here). And this year I made a bold move. I took it all down, rebranded, and relaunched the site! Complete with the 2nd edition of The No Poo Method eBook

I'm thankful that you are here in the community and following along on the journey!

The No Poo Method eBook by Ashlee Mayer of The Crunchy Moose

Here are the top ten most popular posts from 2023:

#10: The best 1 ingredient facial toner

I have been using this all natural & very inexpensive facial toner for over a decade. This was the first DIY beauty product I made and I've been hooked ever since. This toner is super simple, inexpensive, and effective!

the best 1 ingredient facial toner with apple cider vinegar

#9: What are ear candles and do they work?

If I didn't lose you at oil pulling or no poo, I might lose you now! Today we're going to light a stick on fire and stick it in our ears while it melts. No, really!

Ear candles are made out of linen or cotton and then dipped in wax and shaped into a hollow cone shape. Ear candles have been used for thousands of years by Native Americans, Chinese, and Egyptian cultures for physical support and spiritual & meditation practices.

what are ear candles and do they work

#8: GOOT - garlic oil ointment treatment

I use this anytime anyone in my house even thinks about sniffling, coughing, or sneezing. It's great for preventative care (like when something is going around your child's school) & boosts immunity. Next time you feel like you're coming down with something, give this a try.

how to make goot garlic oil ointment treatment with coconut oil, garlic, and essential oils

#7: How I put an end to sensitive teeth with homemade toothpaste

I used to have sensitive teeth. I used to use a maximum strength sensitive toothpaste. I used to use a numbing gel I got from my dentist everyday. And I STILL had sensitive teeth & gums. And then I started making DIY, nontoxic, homemade toothpaste. My sensitive teeth are a thing of the past. Bye bye, Sensodyne!

diy toothpaste for sensitive teeth with coconut oil, baking soda, and essential oils

#6: No poo methods -- it's more than baking soda & vinegar!

I could interview 100 no poo-ers and there is a good chance that not a single one of them follow the same routine. Everyone has different hair types and wants different results.

This list is some of the most popular options and is not an all inclusive list. There are lots of different natural products that wash, nourish, and condition hair. Experiment & have fun!
no poo methods beyond baking soda and apple cider vinegar

#5: 12 melt and pour soap recipes

When I first started ditching & switching our home to upgraded products with clean ingredients, not everyone in the house was 100% on board ( sweet husband ;-) ). Upgrading our soap was an easy way for me to switch out our products & ingredients with no complaints! He actually loves my homemade soaps

12 easy melt and pour soap recipes with no lye

#4: Varicose  vein attacking body butter

Yes, you can get rid of varicose veins naturally! No lasers needed. There are ways you can support blood flow, circulation, and healthy veins at home to prevent & reduce varicose veins. Here's the recipe.

varicose vein attacking body butter with essential oils

#3: How to get coconut oil out of your hair

Coconut oil is one of my favorite deep conditioners for my hair. A lot of oils just coat your hair providing minimal moisturizing and repair. But not coconut oil. Coconut oil penetrates the hair shaft to moisturize from within, repair damaged hair, and protect your hair from future damage from hair products & heat.

The bummer is that coconut oil is hard to get out of your hair. Use this tip to get it out easily!

how to get coconut oil out of your hair with an egg mask

#2: How I went 1 year with no shampoo

I stopped using shampoo 1 year ago. No, I don't stink. Yes, my hair is clean. Yes, my hair is healthy. ;-)

"No poo" simply means that I don't use commercial shampoo. Natural, nourishing, healthy ingredients are what make natural, nourished, healthy hair. The idea that your hair needs chemicals to be healthy is crazy! And frankly, the commercial shampoo marketers are genius to convince us of that.

how i went 1 year with no shampoo with the no poo method

#1: Morning detox shot with apple cider vinegar and lemon juice

This is an easy, inexpensive, and gentle detox you can do daily. When I take this daily, I notice increased energy, better breathing, and less bloating. Keep reading to see some variations so you can mix it up how you like it. On days that I oil pull, I oil pull first then take this detox shot.

morning detox shot with apple cider vinegar and lemon juice

The most pinned pins from 2023

Pinterest is my favorite way to share the blog content (that and emailing you directly! Subscribe to my email list here and get a free copy of my Beauty Remix eBook). My Pinterest feed currently gets over 130,000 impressions from over 85,000 pinners every month! Follow my Pinterest feed here. 

Here are the top 5 repinned pins from 2023:

#5: The best 1 ingredient facial toner -- save it to your boards here

#4: DIY toothpaste -- save it to your boards here

#3: How to get rid of varicose veins naturally -- save it to your boards here

#2: Vanilla latte melt and pour soap -- save it to your boards here

#1: Apple cider vinegar and lemon detox shot -- the BIG winner and was repinned 1,850 times! Save it to your boards here

Cheers to a fantastic 2024!

Thanks so much for hanging out with me this year! I'm honored to be able to spend this time with you! As a thank you, I want to send you a free copy of my eBook The Beauty Remix! Click here to get your copy!

The Beauty Remix eBook by Ashlee Mayer of The Crunchy Moose

Pin this article to save it for later!

Also check out:

holistic tool kit and natural remedieshow to train your hair to go longer between washes with diy dry shampoohow to render tallow and make tallow lotion
nail strengthening serum with essential oilshow to make goot garlic oil ointment treatmentnatural hangover cures like activated charcoal and oil pulling