One Year Without Shampoo With The No Poo Method

One Year Without Shampoo With The No Poo Method
I stopped using shampoo 1 year ago. No, I don't stink. Yes, my hair is clean. Yes, my hair is healthy. I use the no poo method natural hair care routine.


How to Get Started with Natural Hair Care with The No Poo Method

How to Get Started with Natural Hair Care with The No Poo Method
How to Get Started with Natural Hair Care with The No Poo Method. "No poo" simply means that I don't use commercial shampoo.  Natural, nourishing, healthy ingredients are what make natural, nourished, healthy hair.

Homemade Goat Milk Baby Formula: Breastfeeding Is Best...But What If You Can’t?

Homemade Goat Milk Baby Formula: Breastfeeding Is Best...But What If You Can’t?
Lots of new moms plan on breastfeeding. And lots of moms try very hard to breastfeed. And lots of moms......can't. So what is the best, natural, healthiest alternative to that oh-so-perfect breast milk? Here's a homemade goat milk baby formula recipe I used for my son.

Morning Detox Shot

Morning Detox Shot
Morning detox shot with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, turmeric, and honey. This is an easy, inexpensive, and gentle detox you can do daily. When I take this daily, I notice increased energy, better breathing, and less bloating. 

Oil Pulling Guide

Oil Pulling Guide
What is oil pulling with coconut oil and does it work? How do you oil pull? Is oil pulling healthy for your teeth? What are the benefits of oil pulling? Get your oil pulling guide here.

Homemade GOOT (Garlic Oil Ointment Treatment) - Strong Enough for You & Safe Enough For Babies!

Homemade GOOT (Garlic Oil Ointment Treatment) - Strong Enough for You & Safe Enough For Babies!
I use this anytime anyone in my house even thinks about sniffling, coughing, or sneezing. It's great for preventative care (like when something is going around your child's school) & boosts immunity. Next time you feel like you're coming down with something, give this a try.

Coconut Oil Hair Mask (And How To Get It Out Of Your Hair)

Coconut Oil Hair Mask (And How To Get It Out Of Your Hair)
Coconut oil is one of my favorite deep conditioners for my hair. How easy it is to get this magical deep conditioner out of your hair depends on your hair type and your shampoo. Learn how to get coconut oil out of your hair.

Homemade Kombucha Guide: What Is It, How To Say It, and How To Make It

Homemade Kombucha Guide: What Is It, How To Say It, and How To Make It
Kombucha is fermented sweet tea. In this guide, learn how to make kombucha at home, get your kombucha brewing supply list, and learn the health benefits of kombucha.

DIY Dry Shampoo For All Hair Colors

DIY Dry Shampoo For All Hair Colors
Dry shampoo absorbs the oil from your hair and adds texture & volume. This is a simple DIY dry shampoo recipe that you can make in 5 minutes with just a few ingredients. It's effective, inexpensive, all natural, good for your hair & scalp, & smells great! Customize it for blonde, brunette, red, dark, & light hair.

How I Put An End To Sensitive Teeth With Homemade Toothpaste

How I Put An End To Sensitive Teeth With Homemade Toothpaste
This is a simple DIY toothpaste recipe that you can make in about 5 minutes with just a few ingredients. This toothpaste recipe  is effective, inexpensive, easy to make, all natural, good for sensitive teeth, whitens, remineralizes, and smells great! 

Easy Homemade Deodorant That Works & An Even Easier Hack!

Easy Homemade Deodorant That Works & An Even Easier Hack!
This is a simple DIY deodorant recipe that you can make in about 5 minutes with just a few ingredients. This deodorant recipe  is effective, inexpensive, easy to make, all natural, good for sensitive skin, and smells great.

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