50% off The No Poo Method eBook!

50% off The No Poo Method eBook!
Get 50% off of The No Poo Method eBook! Now through 11/30/2023. Happy Black Friday!

Pumpkin Power! 3 Vitamin Rich Pumpkin Hair & Face Masks

Pumpkin Power! 3 Vitamin Rich Pumpkin Hair & Face Masks
Do you dream of pumpkin spice all year long? Do you think pumpkin spice should be it's own food group? 

Well guess what??!! Your hair & skin love pumpkins, too! Pumpkins are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fatty acids that will soothe, moisturize, & heal. Get ready for a serious "gourd-geous" transformation! 


Current Favorites: October, 2023

Current Favorites: October, 2023
When you post recipes online, you get asked a lot "what brand?", "which one?", and "where do I buy it?" I gotcha! Here is a list of some of the things I bought this month, what I'm loving right now, and how I'm using it. All with a handy link to make your shopping super easy! 


Mastering the Oil Cleansing Method

Mastering the Oil Cleansing Method
Oil and water don't mix. So putting oil on your face and rinsing it off with water will leave you with an oil spill of a mess, right? And if you already have oily skin, adding more oil is the worst thing to do, right? Wrong!  Actually, the exact opposite happens! Learn how to do the oil cleansing method and what oils to use for your skin type.


Say Goodbye to Wax Buildup with These Clarifying Techniques

Say Goodbye to Wax Buildup with These Clarifying Techniques
Ever wash your hair & it just doesn't feel clean? Does it feel greasy & waxy? Is it weighed down even though you haven't used products yet? You might be suffering from wax buildup. Here are some easy solutions and some tips to prevent wax buildup in the future. How to naturally get rid of wax buildup on hair.


Silk or Satin Pillowcase for Happy Hair & Skin

Silk or Satin Pillowcase for Happy Hair & Skin
Beauty sleep is not a myth. It's a scientifically proven fact that a good night's sleep enhances your natural beauty. And when you upgrade your pillowcase, your pillow could become your best esthetician and beauty therapist. Silk and satin pillowcases may reduce bedhead, split ends, acne, dry skin, and more. 


Natural Exfoliation Techniques to Reveal Your Radiant Skin

Natural Exfoliation Techniques to Reveal Your Radiant Skin
Benefits of exfoliating include promoting cell turnover, unclogging pores, & revealing brighter, more radiant skin hiding underneath dead skin cells. You don't have to pay for professional chemical peels to have great results at home. Get easy ways to exfoliate naturally without chemicals at home with dry brushing & homemade scrubs.


Fuzz Off! How to Dermaplane Your Face

Fuzz Off! How to Dermaplane Your Face
What is dermaplaning & how do you dermaplane your face at home. Ladies, let's chat about the peach fuzz on our face. It's awkward. So let's get rid of it! When I dermaplane, my skin is softer, smoother, & brighter and my makeup applies so much better. It's like a real life airbrush filter on my face!

8 Tips to Transition to Natural Hair Care with The No Poo Method

8 Tips to Transition to Natural Hair Care with The No Poo Method
Transitioning & upgrading to natural hair care can be challenging. Follow these tips to make the transition to natural hair care & the no poo method. Learn what brush & products to use & how to care for your hair type with the no poo method. 


Scritch & Preen: The Game-Changer in No Poo Hair Care

Scritch & Preen: The Game-Changer in No Poo Hair Care
Scritch and  preen focuses on scalp stimulation &  natural oil distribution. With this method you avoid stripping your hair of natural oils resulting in healthier hair. Learn about the benefits of scritching & preening for natural hair care with the no poo method.

Unexpected Uses for Activated Charcoal for Health & Beauty

Unexpected Uses for Activated Charcoal for Health & Beauty
Whether you're looking to achieve a whiter smile, tame tummy troubles, or get the stink out, activated charcoal can help. Learn how this natural black powder can detoxify your body, whiten your teeth, and improve your overall well-being. With step-by-step instructions and expert tips, you'll be amazed by the versatility of activated charcoal and its ability to enhance your daily life, beauty, and health.

The No Poo Method eBook - Second Edition!

The No Poo Method eBook - Second Edition!
Imagine waking up every morning with hair that's so soft, shiny, and manageable that even Rapunzel would be jealous -- without any hidden chemicals or harmful ingredients! Stick with me & I'll show you how!


Download Your Free Copy of The Beauty Remix!

Download Your Free Copy of The Beauty Remix!
"Makeup can only make you look pretty on the outside but it doesn't help if you're ugly on the inside... unless you eat the makeup!" -- Audrey Hepburn

In The Beauty Remix, you'll learn how to use nourishing, moisturizing, natural ingredients to make beauty & personal care products. Many of the ingredients you'll use can be found in your kitchen! 

So yes, Audrey, we can eat our makeup!

12 Melt & Pour Soap Recipes

12 Melt & Pour Soap Recipes
Wanna make soap but it sounds complicated? Melt & pour soap without lye is for you. Learn how to make melt and pour soap with recipes like morning start, mint chocolate, & sweet dreams. This is the easiest way to make homemade soap without lye or curing. 

7 Body Scrubs for Glowing Skin

7 Body Scrubs for Glowing Skin
Exfoliating is one of the easiest ways to give your skin a quick glow-up. Body scrubs are an easy way to exfoliate. Mix & match these ingredients to make a custom salt or sugar body scrub.Favorite combos include oatmeal & brown sugar scrub, pink lemonade scrub, & activated charcoal sugar scrub.

The Many Magical Uses of Bentonite Clay

The Many Magical Uses of Bentonite Clay
How to use bentonite clay for hair, skin, gut health, and digestive function. A bentonite clay hair & face mask leaves your hair & skin smooth, soft, and glowing. Learn about all the health benefits of bentonite clay.


Two Years Without Shampoo With The No Poo Method

Two Years Without Shampoo With The No Poo Method
Learn how to do the no poo method natural hair care routine. I haven't used shampoo in two years. "No Poo" simply means washing your hair without shampoo. Yes, I still wash my hair and no, my hair doesn't stink.

Attack Varicose Veins Naturally!

Attack Varicose Veins Naturally!
Yes, you can get rid of varicose veins naturally! No lasers needed. There are ways you can support blood flow, circulation, and healthy veins at home to prevent & reduce varicose veins. DIY Homemade Varicose Vein Attacking Body Butter with Essential Oils.

Nail Strengthening Serum with Bonus Tips!

Nail Strengthening Serum with Bonus Tips!
Washing dishes, changing diapers, scrubbing toilets, gel & acrylic manicures, fingernail polish & remover, weather changes, swimming, alcohol based sanitizer that dehydrates.....geez even simply living your best life is rough on your fingernails. Learn how to make a DIY fingernail strengthening serum for naturally strong, long, and beautiful fingernails.  Get a list of essential oils that are good for nails and cuticles. 

Stretch Mark Belly Butter with Bonus Tips!

Stretch Mark Belly Butter with Bonus Tips!
While there are genetic factors, there are natural ways to help prevent & avoid stretch marks. The secret is in skin elasticity. This stretch mark belly butter recipe is effective &  easy. And grab some bonus natural tips & supplements to prevent & reduce stretch marks.
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