Bedtime Upgrade: Happsy Mattress Review for Kids
My kids got a huge bedroom upgrade and the review is in! They give their Happsy Mattresses 2 big thumbs up! 

Morrison (12, aka Mo) and Mabel (9) are experts at pillow forts, movie marathons, late night reading, and slumber parties. When I was shopping around for much-needed new mattresses, I knew I needed something that could keep up with their lifestyle. I went with Happsy.

We got Happsy medium-firm for both mattresses, sizes twin and full.

The Bounce Test 

When you get a new mattress, you have to do a bounce test! As soon as the mattresses were on their beds, they started their very scientific experiment and gave their mattress a big bounce. It has just the right amount of springiness without being squishy. 

"Our old mattress feels like quicksand compared to this cloud!" - Mo

 happsy mattress review for kids with discount code  happsy mattress review for kids with discount code
This post is not sponsored but Happsy sent me a free mattress for review.

Organic Materials

Now that the kids are happy with their bounce test, time to make mom happy with their organic standards!

I was pleasantly surprised that the mattresses didn't have a "new mattress" smell that was off-gassing yucky odors. When you don't use synthetic materials, you don't get that synthetic smell!   

  • Happsy Mattresses are made with organic wool, cotton, and latex in an organic factory. 
  • They never use harmful chemicals including flame retardants, adhesives, or polyurethane. 
  • Certifications:
    • Global Organic Textile Standard
    • EWG Verified
    • Made Safe
    • Organic Content Standard 100
    • Global Organic Latex Standard
    • Forest Stewardship Council
    • Greenguard Gold
    • Formaldehyde Free
    • Green America
    • NonTox U

  happsy mattress review for kids with discount code  happsy mattress review for kids with discount code

But How'd They Sleep??

We've now had the mattresses for a few months and they are still excited to go to bed at bedtime! The mattresses are so comfy. They go to bed easier and sleep later! Mo is a notorious early riser and has always been up by 6:00 every morning. He has slept until 8:00 every weekend since we've had Happsy! Winning!

  • Happsy uses a custom pocket spring system for optimal back support and postural alignment. Unlike a firm piece of foam where every point is "stuck" in place, coils have a far broader range of movement, conforming to any sleeping position.
  • Foam mattresses are notorious for sleeping hot and sweaty because they block airflow and insulate heat. Happsy mattresses are designed to breathe. From the cooling latex with airflow channels to the pocket coil system to the layers of moisture-wicking wool, heat can dissipate easily so you can sleep comfortably.
  • No squeaking or creaking -- totally quiet. You can toss and turn all you want, and it’s still silent as a ninja

  happsy mattress review for kids with discount code  happsy mattress review for kids with discount code

Where to Order Your Happsy Mattress

Order your Happsy mattress here and check out the latest deals!

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