
es·sen·tial  -  /əˈsen(t)SH(ə)l/  -  adjective

absolutely necessary; extremely important

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100% Natural

Created in nature, by nature, for nature. 

These oils are "essential" to the plants they come from. Plants need them to live. The same way they protect & provide for plants, they protect & provide for us.

100% Real

Nothing added. Nothing taken away. Just pure essential oils.

Unlike a lot of oils & products on the market, Young Living doesn't use pesticides, fillers, preservatives, artificial fragrances, or synthetic ingredients.

100% Awesome

Smell them. 
Inhale them.
Apply them. 
Absorb them.
Bathe in them.
Ingest them.

However you use them, they work!

Use my referral link & discount code "SHAREYL" for 10% off your 1st order! 

Your first perk of using my referral link starts right now! Use code "shareyl" and get 10% off your 1st Young Living order of 50+ PV.

  • (PV = point value and for most products, 1PV = $1 so 50PV is $50)
  • This is my referral link or my member number is 1692333.
How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.

How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.

How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.

The best bargains!

These bundles & kits are heavily discounted & are the most popular way to get started with Young Living.

Yes! You can stack the discounts & use the code SHAREYL on these discounted bundles & kits!

How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.

  • 12 of the most versatile & popular essential oils.
  • You choose the diffuser.
  • This is how I got started!

How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.

  • The best of the legendary Thieves line!
  • The easiest way to upgrade the cleaning products in your home.

How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.

  • The easy button when you have littles!
  • Pre-mixed & pre-diluted oils ready to roll on & diffuse.

How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.

  • Choose "create a loyalty order" when you load your cart.
  • Every month, update your cart & order date. It's a handy wellness box shipped to you every month!
  • This month you get 10% back in points!
  • Next month you get 10% back in points plus a free diffuser!
  • Your 3rd month you get 10% back in points plus a free Peppermint!
  • The gifts & freebies keep coming!
  • No strings attached. Easily cancel anytime.

How to order:

Browse the bundles. Be sure you are using my link (#1692333) to get the benefits of my community.

Click "create a loyalty order" to maximize your value & free gifts.

Use my code SHAREYL for a discount.

Get ready for transformational products! While you wait, be on the lookout for an email from me full of resources!
How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.

How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.

How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.

My Essential Oil Love Story

Every good story has a conflict, a resolution, a hero, and a happy ending. This is my really good story complete with a surprise plot twist!

The Conflict: My Injury

In 2007, Ryan & I got married. Two months later my back went out. I woke up one day and couldn't stand up.

It was a non-impact injury. I didn't fall. I wasn't in a car wreck. I just woke up in pain.

For the next 3 years, I was the best patient. I did all the physical therapy, pain management, steroid injections, and bed rest. 

With every intervention, I was weaker and in more pain.

How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.
How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.

The Resolution ... or so I thought: Surgery

After 3 years, I opted for a spinal fusion. I thought this would be the final, fix-all intervention.

During my 3 months of bed rest, my surgeon started discussing my next steps. More interventions, more epidurals, more pain management & pills, more physical therapy, and possibly more surgeries. 

He said pain management was simply a part of my life now and to not even think about trying to get pregnant & carry the weight of a pregnancy. 

The surprise plot twist: This was a diagnosis I wasn't willing to accept. I realized what I was doing wasn't working. 

I started to look for alternative options. 

The Journey: My Research

In my research, I learned that chemicals & harmful ingredients in food, personal care, & cleaning products can cause inflammation and inflammation can cause injury. 

My spine injury was a non-impact injury and was a result of excess inflammation hidden in my body. 

So I started ditching all the chemicals in my house.

I upgraded 1 product at a time. I started with my cleaning products. Yall. I LOVED cleaning wipes! Getting rid of those hurt my soul! And dryer sheets! Say it ain't so!! I gave those up, too. 

My pain started to go away! I wanted more!

Next came my beauty products. Yep, I ditched the shampoo & makeup from the drugstore that are full of ingredients that are linked to inflammation, cancer, autoimmune, infertility, allergies, & more. 

And I started getting stronger! And sleeping better! And even less pain! 

How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.
How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.

The Hero & Happy Ending: Essential Oils

I was willing to try anything that would help in my healing journey. I stumbled upon essential oils -- oddly enough on a blog a lot like this one that you are reading now! 

I bought a legendary starter bundle. I was excited to find this bargain! The best oils bundled together at a discount plus a diffuser -- yes, please!

  • I put a drop of PanAway on my back and instant relief!
  • I put a drop of Frankincense in my face moisturizer at night and my face glowed in the morning! 
  • I put a drop of Thieves Vitality in my morning coffee and it was delicious & immune boosting!
  • I diffused Lavender at bedtime & slept like a baby!
I became an instant believer. These oils worked! 

That was a decade ago. 

I haven't been back to a spine surgeon, physical therapist, or pain specialist since. I even had a beautiful pregnancy!

I'm so thankful for these healthy products and oils for me and my family. I know my healing journey wouldn't have been the same without Young Living. I know that they can do the same for you and your family!

More Real Stories From Real People About Real Oils!

Just a few reasons why Young Living customers are so loyal & keep coming back:

How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.
"Magical for all things tummy!"
How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.
Thieves Household Cleaner
 "Love that this cleaner is totally safe to use around my baby!"
How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.
"I like putting lemon essential oil in my water! So many benefits like detoxing, energizing, & cleansing."
How to order Young Living Essential Oils. Get the best deals and coupon codes for Young Living Essential Oils.

What Happens Next?

You set up your account and your bundle is on the way! I am so excited for you! Here's what you can expect:

  • Look for an email from me. Your Young Living tour will start there! I'll send you resources and equip you with everything you need to open your oils as soon as they arrive and start using them immediately. In the resources, you'll get access to our community Facebook group.
  • Get ready to be blown away by the power of these cute little bottles of plant juice! The best way to get the results you're looking for is to use them and use them often.
Thanks for being here! We'll chat soon!

~ Ashlee

↓ Is there a monthly purchase requirement?

As a Young Living customer, you are never required to make a minimum purchase. 

When you register for Loyalty Rewards, there is a 50pv minimum order amount to qualify for the Loyalty Rewards perks including points, gifts with purchase, and more. 

↓ Do I have to sell anything?

No. Brand Partnership is another perk available to you as a Young Living customer. When you upgrade to a Brand Partner, you will receive a referral link you can use to earn a referral check. There are never any sales quotas. You can use your link once to earn a one-time check or you can use it lots of times to earn a check every month. 

As a Brand Partner, there are purchase requirements to qualify for some commissions, never above 100pv. 

When you use my referral link, you will have access to all of my resources including a Brand Partner guide complete with the steps you need to earn your 1st $100!

↓ What resources are available to me?

When you use my referral link, you will: 

  • have access to my private Facebook group with over 500 members a decade of testimonies, recipes, and tips. 
  • be added to my essential oil email list to get updates & tips via email.
  • have access to all essential oil resource I create including product education and Brand Partner guides. 

↓ What are essential oils used for?

Essential oils can be used for emotional support, healthy digestion, focus, restful sleep, healthy energy levels, immune system support, brain health, processing feelings, perfume, endocrine & hormone support, cooking, and cleaning.

↓ Why is Young Living the better choice? 

Young Living has a "seed to seal" promise. They own their farms ensuring that the farming, harvesting, and distillation, and quality testing are held to the highest standards. The entire process from when the seed is planted to sealing your bottles of essential oils. 

Young Living is transparent. You are invited to visit any of their farms around the world. I have personally been to two of the farms and have participated in planting, harvesting, distilling, and bottling essential oils. 

Young Living essential oils are pure -- nothing added and nothing taken away. Young Living doesn't use pesticides, fillers, preservatives, artificial fragrances, or synthetic ingredients.

Young Living has the largest selection of essential oils of any essential oil company in the world. Plus over 600 essential oils infused products including supplements, skincare, baby products, cleaning products, and more. 

the crunchy moose blog

Howdy! I'm Ashlee. 
I'm glad you're here! Let's chat about holistic, natural, & happy living. The Crunchy Moose is loaded with DIY beauty recipes & home remedies. Learn more about Ashlee here.

This site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice. We hope this information motivates and empowers you to make your own wellness journey decisions based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use. Information on this site should not replace or substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The statements here have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 
Copyright Peppermint Soul, Inc. Full Disclaimer Here